
The Cat Returns Remake


Project info

The fifth reimagining of my ongoing Studio Ghibli Remakes, The Cats Return!

Added a little bit of a sinister attitude to this, considering that Haru is being stalked by a hoard of cats giving her unwanted presents, ultimately leading up to her kidnapping and arranged marriage... so when you look at it like that, I think the twist kinda works with all the cats peering in from the windows, waiting to barge in and slide Haru out.

Is a little retouching involved in this, as we all know, MODO hair can be untamed at times and there's so many Ghibli characters that have it, so I exported Muta to Procreate and added more fur to his lower region and a few stray hairs. But apart from that, the hair that rendered actually came out pretty decent, used a few length/curl/clump maps for his face (Which doesnt have any retouching) and some obvious subsurface for its softness.

The Baron on the otherhand, I must of changed his face four times because he was either looking like a fox (Because of his face markings) or just looking a little cartoony. Becomes difficult trying to convert 2D into more realistic 3D, they just look completely different. But I ended up settling on this version because 1) thats pretty much the cat he is in real life and 2) I couldn't be bothered doing a 5th version! I kid, I thought considering that hes really a statue of a man with a cats head and it should have a more real feel than cartoon, if that makes sense.

Haru, well Haru is Haru. A straight conversion from her original 2D, modelled on a scene where shes suddenly startled.

Other than that, theres a few easter eggs from the film, the cat tails to the right of the Baron (One of the presents given to Haru), the Baron's special blend tea, the fish crackers and I've added the scene where Haru saves Lune from being knocked down to the 'Mews of the World' front page with the headline 'What a Scoop!". There's also a statue of James Garfield to the left of the Baron... Garfield.... The Cat.

Hope you like it!

You can see more at http://instagram.com/ngon.co.uk/
Or ngon.co.uk
